It is the last day of our time abroad. Our last day in Oslo.
We will certainly miss the lovely apartment which we've been renting for the past week, but we know that our own lovely apartment in Seattle is waiting for us so we aren't too sad. Here are some images that show just how lovely this place is, though.
Morning coffee and a little light reading on our "veranda", overlooking the park

The bizarre little fellow (with a tail) who guards the fireplace in the living room. Samuel loves to rub his head.
The whole of the living room. And the very comfy, long couch that has been a delight in the evenings as we read our way through the hundreds of books that this place holds. (To be honest - Jack has devoured the books. I've finished just one in the past week.)
The "office", which also overlooks the park. Jack has claimed this desk as his own...while I have my own desk in the old maids bedroom off the kitchen. Both are lovely. This apartment is so big that when we are both on our computers we actually have to gchat each other to converse. This model ship is massive - we were told a 1:100 scale. It is the Kronprinzessin Cecilie.
Behind the desk is the dining room.
And my favorite room in the house - the kitchen.
This home is full to the brim of "stuff" - collectibles, art, model ships, books, old architectural decorative features. You'd think it would be a nightmare with a 16 month old boy running around - however, all of the "stuff" is generally out of reach, and the apartment is well lived in and worn a bit around the edges so that we haven't had to worry about Samuel ruining anything.
An excellent example of the "stuff" is this shelf in the kitchen.
A closer look. Yes, that's a real, stuffed (taxidermy) baby shark...with the "beak" of a carpenter (or saw) shark on the wall behind.
And, of course, every collection of dangerous fish wouldn't be complete without a piranha.
This apartment is quite large, which has also been great for Samuel in that he can entertain himself running around...playing with the pillows, climbing on the chairs...oh, and yes - pole dancing.
The rooms not pictured here include the maid's bedroom, Samuel's bedroom and our bedroom with the master bath as well as the bath off the entrance hall. And that doesn't include all the space I feel like we have by being just off of the park. Which is delightful with its four playgrounds (three of which are associated with kindergartens and thus are off limits to us until 5PM or on weekends), its duck pond, its lawns and its rope swing.
This trip has been quite the treat. At times stressful. Frequently an adventure in logistics. And always a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the beauty of family. It isn't often that a new family gets to spend so much devoted time together exploring new countries, cities and parks. I think I speak for both Jack and I when I say that we consider ourselves immensely lucky to have had this experience.
We get on a plane tomorrow at 1PM Oslo time (after rising around 6AM when the little man gets out of bed), which is 4AM in Seattle. We arrive back in our fair city around 9PM Seattle time, which is 6AM Oslo time. So that's a 24 hour day for us. Wish us luck.
Hello Jack
ReplyDeleteMy name is Greg Krenzelok and I noticed the model of the ship SS Kronprinzessin Cecilie. My grandparent both travel in America on this ship at different times. I have a website on the ship and I was wondering if I could post your image or a different one on the website?
Here is a link to the website:
My email address is:
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